United States
Utility Name |
Rate Name |
Sector |
Service Type |
Approved |
Is Default |
Effective Date |
End Date |
Latest Update |
Actions |
Public Service Co of NM |
12 Cogeneration and Small Power Production TOU Sub-Transmission Voltage (5B) |
Industrial |
Bundled |
✓ |
2024-05-01 |
2024-07-18 12:03:11 |
Public Service Co of NM |
12 Cogeneration and Small Power Production TOU Transmission Voltage (15B) |
Industrial |
✓ |
2016-02-12 |
2024-04-30 |
2024-07-18 12:00:01 |
Public Service Co of NM |
12 Cogeneration and Small Power Production TOU Sub-Transmission Voltage (5B) |
Industrial |
✓ |
2016-02-12 |
2024-04-30 |
2024-07-18 11:59:50 |
Public Service Co of NM |
12 Cogeneration and Small Power Production TOU Substation Voltage (30B & 35B) |
Industrial |
Bundled |
✓ |
2024-05-01 |
2024-07-18 11:59:12 |
Public Service Co of NM |
12 Cogeneration and Small Power Production Substation Voltage (30B) |
Industrial |
✓ |
2016-02-12 |
2024-04-30 |
2024-07-18 11:54:49 |
Public Service Co of NM |
12 Cogeneration and Small Power Production TOU Primary Distribution (4B & 11B) |
Commercial |
✓ |
2016-02-12 |
2024-04-30 |
2024-07-18 11:48:16 |
Public Service Co of NM |
12 Cogeneration and Small Power Production TOU Secondary Distribution (1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3B, 3C, 10A, & 10B) |
Commercial |
✓ |
2016-02-12 |
2024-04-30 |
2024-07-18 11:31:34 |
Public Service Co of NM |
12 Cogeneration and Small Power Production Secondary Distribution (1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 3B, 3C, 10A, & 10B) |
Commercial |
✓ |
2016-02-12 |
2024-04-30 |
2024-07-18 11:24:28 |
Public Service Co of NM |
11B Water and Sewage Pumping TOU |
Commercial |
Bundled |
✓ |
2024-05-01 |
2024-07-18 11:21:26 |
Public Service Co of NM |
11B Water and Sewage Pumping TOU |
Commercial |
✓ |
2014-04-25 |
2024-04-30 |
2024-07-18 11:20:01 |
Public Service Co of NM |
Special Contract for Large Customers (4B Customer-Owned Transformer) |
Industrial |
Bundled |
✓ |
2024-05-01 |
2024-07-18 11:19:13 |
Public Service Co of NM |
Special Contract for Large Customers (4B PNM-Owned Transformer) |
Industrial |
Bundled |
✓ |
2024-05-01 |
2024-07-18 11:19:04 |
Public Service Co of NM |
23 Special Contract for Large Customers (4B Customer-Owned Transformer) |
Industrial |
✓ |
2016-02-12 |
2024-04-30 |
2024-07-18 10:59:21 |
Public Service Co of NM |
23 Special Contract for Large Customers (4B PNM-Owned Transformer) |
Industrial |
✓ |
2016-02-12 |
2024-04-30 |
2024-07-18 10:59:13 |
Public Service Co of NM |
Special Contract for Large Customers (5B) |
Industrial |
Bundled |
✓ |
2024-05-01 |
2024-07-18 10:57:15 |
Public Service Co of NM |
23 Special Contract for Large Customers (5B) |
Industrial |
✓ |
2016-02-12 |
2024-04-30 |
2024-07-18 10:40:35 |
Public Service Co of NM |
Special Contract for Large Customers (30B) |
Industrial |
Bundled |
✓ |
2024-05-01 |
2024-07-18 10:40:06 |
Public Service Co of NM |
Special Contract for Large Customers (15B) |
Industrial |
Bundled |
✓ |
2024-05-01 |
2024-07-18 10:38:58 |
Public Service Co of NM |
23 Special Contract for Large Customers (15B) |
Industrial |
✓ |
2016-02-12 |
2024-04-30 |
2024-07-18 10:33:41 |
Public Service Co of NM |
23 Special Contract for Large Customers (30B) |
Industrial |
✓ |
2016-02-12 |
2024-04-30 |
2024-07-17 18:43:19 |
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